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What Is Social Media Aggregator API And How To Use It?

Social media platforms and their influence on the users have seen tremendous growth in recent years. With the increasing number of these platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, LinkedIn, Youtube etc. and they want of the users to not miss any of the important feed on these platforms, the businesses had to find a way to get their posts seen by their potential users.

It’s not possible to get through all the posts being shared on different platforms at the same time. To make it easier for the users, social media aggregator api helps to collect all your important feed from different social media platforms and show them under a single feed.

Social media aggregator, however, may fail to identify the user’s choice of content every time. It may fail to understand the needs and demands of the user. That’s when Social Media Aggregator API comes into limelight.

API stands for Application Programming Interface. API is software which acts as a mediator and permits communication between two applications. It lets the data from one application to be accessible to another application for the purpose of presenting it better by allowing modifications in its visuals.

Social media aggregator API gains access to raw content from different social media platforms and modify them in a presentable form, curated and customized according to the preferences of the user. This all is done with the help of API. Without API access, your social media content on the social media aggregators won’t be as appealing and tailored to your needs.

Social media aggregator API can be easily used by embedding it into your website. This can be done by using a Taggbox social media aggregator API developer tool. All you need to do is integrate this tool into your website. For this, you just need to get an embed code from Taggbox and paste this code at the backend of the page where you want your Social wall to appear. This will display all of your social media content under the same roof.

Benefits of Social Media Aggregator API

Here are some of the benefits of using social media aggregator API for mobile developers especially:

1. Better Interaction And Engagement:

Social media aggregator API presents the feed from different social media platforms in a more engaging and attractive manner under a single feed which can be displayed on screens during events can be embedded into your website and even on digital signage’s.

These are helpful for businesses to increase interaction with the audience either having the social wall on your website and on specific events. You can also be benefited to a great deal by using it as a marketing tool for advertising.

2. Striking Visuals:

Attractive and striking visual has always been a game-changer in making your social media content interactive and engaging. A user is attracted to the content of the feed which shows really striking and vibrant visuals.

API just does that for you. It presents your feed in a manner that will call for the user’s attention. Sadly, people do judge a book by its cover. No matter how good your website interface is, if the social media content of the company does not do justice to it, it won’t be able to attract the needed traffic.

That’s when API access comes to the rescue. It makes the feed worth by allowing modification in the existing feed, presenting new feed by adding custom and UGC visuals to it. This makes the feed look worth to stop by and check.

3. Improved Relevance And Reliability:

Social Media aggregator do provide a relevant and reliable social media content feed, however, to be double sure API access leaves no room for trivial and unreliable feed.

For a business, website or event, the key to brand image and brand loyalty is providing social media content that is reliable, assured, relevant and responsive. With the help of social media aggregator API, you can achieve that with little integration and make your social wall look more interesting and viable.

4. Conserves Time, Effort And Money:

Think about gathering the relevant feed from different social media platforms, aggregating them into a single feed and then applying API access to make it appear lively and engaging.

Doing all this will definitely take you days or even weeks. But with the integration of social media aggregator and API you can just do so in seconds. Social media aggregator API is a true friend of developers and marketers.

There are various social media aggregator API developer tools that ease the process of making your business, website or event gain visibility and attention.

Thus, social media aggregator API will not only save your money, time and effort but in turn will also increase your business profitability by engaging with more and more users every day. It’s a magic tool for both developers and businesses.

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