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Six Work From Home Set-Ups To Keep You Motivated

As social distancing measures begin to relax across the world and economies slowly tiptoe back to trading, the likelihood of enforcing working from home is no longer just a contemporary thought, but encouraged to reduce employee risk and protect public health. Maintaining momentum to achieve shared goals, driving team spirit, and motivating employees in new ways is just some of the many Covid-19 challenges company directors are currently facing and gradually overcoming.

Working from home arrangements is appearing longer term which means spending more time creating a dedicated workspace at home to adapt to working professionally in a home environment. Whether you’ve always blurred the lines between work life and home life or you’ve actively separated the two, it’s important to prioritize productivity and efficiency when setting up at home.

An instrumental part of working from home is feeling comfortable and focused, without the usual distractions associated with working from home. We’ve rounded up inspiration on how to maximize working from home through a variety of set-ups such as:

All About Ergonomics:

If you’re all about feeling comfortable and working in the best physical manner to improve posture, considering ergonomics when setting up your workspace can spearhead productivity and performance. This relates to the positioning of your body, such as the stance of your chair, the resting position of your feet, and the distance between your hands and the desk positioned in front of you. When purchasing products for your home desk, take into consideration more than just aesthetics, such as ambidextrous mice, writing slopes, and sit-stand workstations.

Fitness First:

If you’re more productive when you’re on the move and active, structuring mild exercise around your desk can help you work with fitness in mind. There are numerous ways you can integrate exercise into your daily work, such as fixing a plank to the back of your desk to perform simple leg planks, integrating a pedal exerciser under your desk, or using your chair as support to do chair squats.

In addition to physical fitness, working on mental fitness can also help you work productively and remain focused. Mental exercises can stimulate your brain and help create breaks between tasks; this can include the likes of memory workouts, jigsaw puzzles, and vocabulary games.

Home Comforts:

If you’re a strong supporter of appealing aesthetics when it comes to your workspace, this is encouraged it if helps you work more comfortably, therefore boosting productivity. Decorate your workspace with memorable photos, soft furnishings, and lighting if this is what will keep you motivated during your working day. Populating your workspace with memories that make you happy, such as a family photo can improve your mood and bring a smile to your face.

Economical Approach:

A rewarding perk of working from home is the ease of working and living a lifestyle that promotes being economical and using resources sparingly. In addition to reusing and recycling, working economically at home can include the likes of turning to the natural warmth, such as putting on a sweater instead of the heating, keeping tabs on overcharging to save electricity, and taking advantage of natural light instead of turning the lights on.

Dining Table Extension:

You may prefer repurposing the dining table to give yourself endless space for stacks of paperwork and legroom. If you’re converting space commonly used in your day to day private life for work purposes, be cautious of knowing when to draw the line as this could interfere with your personal life. This option may be a popular one for those juggling childcare and working from home as it allows you to switch between both headspaces; employee and parent. This style of working can be difficult, but keeping on top of targets can help boost motivation. If you’re a visual thinker, display your targets on the wall or your screen through the likes of virtual sticky notes or work management software.

Bedroom Workspace:

If you’re against leaving your bed space to ensure you have privacy during working hours and to simply be comfortable, ensure you’re leaving your bed to another spot in your bedroom dedicated to function as your workspace. Take a regular walk out of your room for blood circulation, to stretch your legs and take in some fresh air. If you’re working on a laptop, set it aside after finishing your working day so you can avoid thinking about work outside of working hours.

Along with structuring a workplace to help maximize your efforts, it’s vital to keep track of progress by using a to-do list, setting individual targets, and even timing yourself when it comes to fulfilling tasks. Remember to adopt the same level of cleanliness as you would in your professional workplace to save you dedicating time in your working day for spring cleaning. As you’re working from home, your working hours may vary; however, ensure you remain in a routine to help you plan your working life.

As workforces across the world adapt to working from home, improving your work from home set up is one of the many steps you can take to make your work life more comfortable and adjustable for the long term.

Author Bio:

Keith Tully is a partner at Real Business Rescue, a business restructuring and rescue firm for businesses in financial distress, specializing in company liquidation and COVID-19 support for company directors.

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